Springfield M1 Garand Serial Number

Hello all,
I had bookmarked the following URL that gave locations/units of where United States Section of the Milsurp Knowledge Library.', BGCOLOR, '#DDDDDD', BORDERCOLOR, '#000000', BORDERWIDTH, '1',FOLLOWMOUSE, 0, OFFSETX, -10, OPACITY, '95', FADEIN, '25', FADEOUT, '25', CLICKCLOSE, true,FOLLOWSCROLL, true, PADDING, 0, BALLOON, 1 ,ABOVE, false, TITLE1, 'United States - Milsurp Knowledge Library',LINKURL, 'https://www.milsurps.com/content.php?r=132-united-states', SHOWCLOSE, 0, BALLOONIMGPATH , 'autolinker/images/balloons/yellow'); microAjax('autolinker/autolinker_stats.php?uid=0&fid=108&t=v&kw=M1', function (res) {;});'>M1 Garands and 03A3's were assigned. Although hits were limited, it was always nice to get a location of where one of your favorite rifles was assigned.
The URL was:
'http://www.Note: to clear this message, simply click anywhere on this announcement box, or the RED X located at the top right corner of this announcement.

Extract of Original Announcement Posted on August 28th, 2009

Hello everyone....

Although we've never received any official notification from the Culvers, it appears that Dick and Gloria have resurrected and re-opened a new web site. We interpret that to mean that they are both returning to good health and sufficient positive spirits, to want to take back control and the daily grind of operating and maintaining an active web site again, which is great news!

It is recognized that the legal rights to the CSP name and control of that entity is indeed the sole property of the Culvers. Therefore, in order to prevent any confusion, chaos and negative posts created by the usual suspects as the result of duplicate efforts on multiple sites under the CSP banner, it's now time for us close this temporary site and the hosting services that we've been providing for free to the Culvers and the CSP community since March 1st of 2009.

We thought it would be appropriate for the benefit of both the Milsurp.com and CSP communities, to summarize what the last six months of providing a temporary home for the CSP community here at Milsurps.com has achieved.

Starting out near the end of February with the reluctant support of my wife (co-owner of Milsurps.com), we offered Gloria the opportunity to save the old CSP site from imminent extinction due to being overrun by spammers, a host server that was on its last legs and an aging software database with so many broken links, security holes and data corruption issues, that it couldn't be repaired without a massive software upgrade and overhaul. It appears as if the Culvers have started that renewal process, so let's hope it addresses all of the old lingering issues.

So, my better half and I personally invested over 1,500 dollars on behalf of Dick and Gloria to save their site and transition it temporarily to our home, as well as spearheaded the Dick & Gloria Culver Donation Fund with the assistance of Bill Hollinger who acted as Treasurer, which raised over 7,560 dollars cash from 157 CSP Members (click here). All of these funds have been forwarded to the Culvers and we presume that some of that money has gone to funding the establishment of their new site.

In addition, we literally spent hundreds of hours on-line answering emails, trying to help educate a lot of elderly gun owners transition to a more modern bulletin board software interface. Most days we felt like we were teaching computer science and our phone bill sitting on long distance talking huge numbers of inexperienced people through logging-in and how to post a message, literally drove our phone bill through the roof.

However, the upside was that along the way we met a lot of terrific people and fellow gun owners from all over the world.

Also during the process of transition, we cleaned up a whole lot of site leadership and strange personality disorder problems, many of which revolved around people who seemed to be logging in from the same computer using multiple identities. In other words, they seemed to have an electronic version of 'multiple personality disorder', for apparently the sole purpose of creating social chaos by anonymously posting some pretty mean spirited stuff while hiding behind these various identities. Once they and a few other folks who felt the CSP Forums were just all about them and didn't seem to play well in the sandbox with others were cleaned out, we'd like to think that the end result was a pleasant and enjoyable site for the majority, where nobody felt uncomfortable posting, even if they didn't write things well, or weren't as knowledgeable or outspoken as some of the highly prolific posters who dominate many forums.

It became obvious within weeks of the transition that the CSP Forums needed some form of moderation using a simple set of rules, so it could be maintained as a fair and friendly place to visit by everyone. Toward that end we established a CSP Moderator Team composed of a group long time CSP members, who volunteered their time and services for the rest of you to help maintain order, prevent chaos and enforce the rules in as fair and balanced manner as is possible, remembering that we're all human. On that note, we'd like to thank Bill Hollinger, Rick the Librarian, Amatikulu, Bob Womack and cafdfw (Harlan - DECEASED), the latter of whom got thrown under a bus regularly.

Without these guys stepping up, this temporary CSP site would have simply disappeared four months ago, so whether you agree with their moderation styles or not, the CSP community owes them all a huge debt of gratitude.

Finally, a personal comment if I may. I'll be very honest with you guys. There have been days (and weeks) where I said to my wife, why did we ever do this? Not many people seem to appreciate it and all we seem to be getting is ugliness from a few dozen highly vocal people who seem to enjoy poisoning the well and watching others drink from it. Remarkably, she's never said I told you so, but she sure as heck could have. Would I do it again, or recommend anyone ever try to step up and help out virtual strangers? I'm not sure, but ask me again in six months when we get our lives back and we return our site to the quiet enjoyable expression of love for the hobby we enjoy so much, which is collecting and discussing old milsurps, sharing those experiences and our ever growing on-line Knowledge Libraries (click here) with like minded folks.

Thanks to everyone who helped us make it through this challenging adventure and expressed support at times when we surely needed it. We made a lot of new friends through this process and we hope most of you won't be strangers to our site, as the great majority of you are all most welcome to return and post anytime.

Doug (Badger)

Note: to clear this message, simply click anywhere on this announcement box, or the RED X located at the top right corner of this announcement.', BGCOLOR, '#C9B997', BORDERCOLOR, '#958467', BORDERWIDTH, '3', WIDTH, '-1200', TITLE, 'Interim guest hosting from March 2, 2009 until closed on Aug 29, 2009 ........', SHADOW, ',FOLLOWMOUSE, 0, OPACITY, '95', FADEIN, '100', FADEOUT, '100', CLICKCLOSE, true,FOLLOWSCROLL, true,CLOSEBTN, true, PADDING, 0, SWIPE, '); microAjax('autolinker/autolinker_stats.php?uid=0&fid=108&t=v&kw=Jouster', function (res) {;});'>Jouster
Is this information now carried at another location. Thanks, Steve
Springfield M1 Garand Serial NumberSpringfield M1 Garand Serial Number

In 1936 the M1 Garand replaced the M1903 Springfield as the standard service rifle, the M1903 remaining in use as a sniper weapon. In 1939 the original gas trap was replaced with a simpler and more reliable gas port system. The patent drawings for the gas trap and gas port are seen at left and right, respectively.


Springfield M1 Garand Serial Number 7007992

  • The 7,008,000 serial number rifle you mentioned is a commercial-production M1 receiver that was manufactured circa the 1980s by a civilian firm that copyrighted the name “Springfield Armory.
  • Sep 24, 2018 - Hi there, Save hours of searching online or wasting money on unnecessary repairs by talking to a 6YA Expert who can help you resolve this.
  • Apr 24, 2015 - This is a historic extremely early production U.S. Springfield Armory 'Shop Model' M1 Garand rifle serial number '7' that was one of only '80'.